Late Tax Returns – New Penalties

New penalties apply to 2010/11 tax returns:

Deadlines are 31st October 2011 for paper returns, and 31st January 2012 for online returns.

Late returns will incur the following penalties:

One day late – penalty of £100 (even if you have no tax to pay).

3 months late – daily penalty of £10, up to a maximum of £900.

6 months late – another £300 or 5% of the tax due if higher.

12 months late – another £300 or 5% of the tax due if higher. Serious cases could face a penalty of 100% of the tax due.

Penalties for paying late:

30 days late – 5% of the tax unpaid.

6 months late – further 5% of the tax unpaid.

12 months late – further 5% of the tax unpaid.

If you haven’t already had your 2010/11 tax return completed, we would urge you to bring your books in as soon as possible.

NMW rates from 1st October 2011

The new NMW rates from 1.10.11 are as follows:

16-17 years old – £3.68 per hour

18-20 years old – £4.98 per hour

21 and over – £6.08 per hour

Apprentices – £2.60 per hour – aged under 19, and those 19 and over but in the first year of their apprenticeship.

Chancellors Budget 23.3.11

Income tax – the personal allowance increases to £7475 (£143.75 per week). The next £35000 will be taxed at 20%; then 40% for income between £42475 and £100000. Above £100000, the personal allowance will reduce by £1 for each £2 of income. At £150000, income tax increases to 50%. The personal allowance for 65-74’s increases to £9940, and for age 75 and over it increases to £10090.

Corporation tax – the small companies rate (first £300k of profit) reduces to 20% from 1.4.11. The large companies rate (profits over £300k) reduces from 28% to 26% from 1.4.11.

National Insurance – self-employment – class 2’s increase to £2.50 per week, class 4’s increase to 9% of profits of profits between £7225 and £42475, and 2% above £42475. For employees, 12% of earnings between £7225 (£139 per week) and £42475 (£817 per week), and 2% above £42475. For employers, 13.8% on all earnings above £7075 (£136 per week).

VAT – the registration limit increases from £70000 to £73000 from 1.4.11.

Capital allowances – the Annual Investment Allowance (excludes cars) reduces from £100k to £25k from April 2012. It would therefore be wise to purchase any large items before April 2012. Also at April 2012, writing down allowances reduce from 20% to 18%.

Capital gains tax – the annual allowance for individuals (not companies) increases to £10600. CGT rates are 18% ( or 28% if the gain takes you above the £42475 threshold). The sale of businesses benefit from a lower 10% CGT rate (Entrepreneurs relief) for the first £10 million of lifetime gains.

Inheritance tax – the nil rate band of £325000 (£650000 for married couples and civil partners) is frozen until April 2015.

Small business rate relief – the SBBR will be extended by 1 year from October 2011. There will also be 21 new enterprise zones which will attract 100% discount on rates.

Furnished holiday lettings – from April 2011, losses can only be offset against future profits from the same FHL business.

Directors of owner managed companies – please note that with the increase in personal allowance and the corresponding reduction in the 40% tax threshold to £42475 from April 2011, the amount of dividends available without going into high rate tax is reduced.

Business mileage rates – from 6.4.11 the tax free rates are 45p ( up from 40p) for the first 10000 business miles, and 25p on miles in excess of 10000.

ISAS – for 2011/12, the annual limit is increased to £10680 (cash element £5340).

As always, please contact us if you wish to discuss your personal situation.

NMW rates from 1st October 2010

The new NMW rates from 1.10.10 are as follows:

16-17 years old  – £3.64 per hour

18-20 years old – £4.92 per hour

21 and over – £5.93 per hour

Please note the main rate now starts at 21 years old whereas in the past it was 22 years old.

There will also be a new apprentice rate of £2.50 per hour which will apply to apprentices aged under 19, and apprentices aged 19 and over but in the first year of their apprenticeship.

National Insurance Holiday for New Businesses

New businesses who are employing people and who set up between 22.6.10 and 5.9.10 will qualify for a subsidy of their Employers National Insurance contributions. They must be outside London, the South East, and East of England, and will obtain exemption for the first 10 employees they take on during the first year of business.

The exemption for each employee lasts for 1 year but the scheme ends on 5.9.13.

New businesses who qualify will automatically receive information with the PAYE starter pack.

HMRC tax code errors

You have probably heard about the 5.7 million tax code errors by HMRC. If you are one of the unlucky ones please contact us. We may be able to defend it under an extra statutory concession called “A19”.

Watch out for e-mails supposedly from HMRC. Fraudsters are jumping on the bandwagon by sending out e-mails to obtain your personal details. HMRC do not contact you by e-mail.

Chancellors budget 22.6.10

Income tax – the personal allowance will rise by £1000 to £7475 on 6.4.11. The basic rate limit will be reduced so that higher rate taxpayers will not benefit.

Corporation tax – the small companies rate (first £300k of profit) will reduce by 1% to 20% on 1.4.11.

VAT – the standard rate rises to 20% on 4.1.11. If you are planning a major purchase and unable to re-claim vat, it would make sense to beat the deadline.

National Insurance  – the main N.I. rates will rise by 1% on 6.4.11 as previously announced.

Capital gains tax – from 23.6.10, the flat rate of 18% stays the same for basic rate taxpayers, but increases to 28% for higher rate taxpayers. The annual exempt amount will remain at £10100. The entrepreneurs limit for lifetime gains (at 10% tax) increases from £2m to £5m from 23.6.10.

Capital allowances – the 100% tax relief in year one will be reduced from £100k to £25k from April 2012 (excludes cars). The normal allowance will be reduced from 20% to 18% at the same time. 

Summary – at April 2011, with corporation tax reducing by 1% and National Insurance increasing by 1%, it becomes more attractive to operate as a Limited Company. Please contact us to discuss further.